sexta-feira, janeiro 12, 2007


Porque me revejo em cada frase aqui escrita;

"Little did I, a moderate TV-watcher ("Grey's Anatomy," "The Daily Show," some late-night CNN), know what I was getting into a year ago on New Year's Eve, when two fellow journalist friends -- they know who they are -- recommended that my significant other and I check out "24."
I added the first disc to our Netflix queue. It sat for months on top of the TV set, waiting in line behind some erudite foreign film that we'd been sort of avoiding, like homework. (DVD guilt: That's a whole other column.)
But eventually we watched that first episode, and an obsession was born. It became an unspoken contract: We were going to watch the whole thing, no matter what -- even if we stopped liking it, even if it got boring. Why? Would it be trite to say "because it was there?" Leaving the job half done, as federal agent Jack Bauer might say, was "not an option."
We started going out less. Magazines went straight to the "read later" pile. Dinner became a regular date in the living room: us and Jack, that square-jawed, resolute, impossibly loyal yet subversive federal agent played by Kiefer Sutherland. And, like Jack himself (yes, we're on a first-name basis by now), we had good days and bad, but we were pushing through the pain, single-minded in our pursuit.
There were, necessarily, breaks for business trips or vacations. And there were countless times when one of us annoyed the other mightily by falling asleep mid-episode (because of the late hour, not the content) -- meaning we had to rewind and start over. Woe to the one with drooping eyelids. Me to him: "Open your eyes!" Him to me: "Sit up straight!" Or, the most evil weapon: forced feeding of Haagen-Dazs, as an emergency sugar injection. Somehow, we got through four seasons and counting."

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